When you have crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth, that doesn’t mean braces are your only option for correcting misalignment. Instead, our team could straighten teeth with a series of clear aligners. In today’s blog, your Olathe, KS, dentist talks about our SureSmile orthodontic system!
The Risks of Uneven Teeth
How does an uneven smile impact your oral health? Well, they could provide places for food particles to become trapped. This means bacteria can then break them down, and increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Even if you brush and floss, thorough cleaning is often difficult with misalignment. Your uneven smile could also put strain on your jaw joints or upset the overall balance of your smile. The result is an increased risk of painful disorders like TMD or bruxism (teeth grinding). You could also simply feel self-conscious about your smile, which has a negative impact on your self-confidence.
Creating Clear Aligners
Treating your misalignment could mean major improvements for the beauty of your smile, and better oral health too! To begin, we will examine your smile with digital imaging technology and x-rays, so we can assess the cause and severity of your misalignment. If we find out SureSmile is right for you, we will use the digital images and measurements we took to design and craft a series of plastic aligners. Each set is clear and custom-fitted for your smile, ensuring a comfortable treatment experience, and smile correction with accuracy and precision.
Treating Your Smile
The treatment process is a simple one. Essentially, every day you will wear a set of plastic aligners for about 20 to 22 hours. After about two weeks you will upgrade to the next set in the series. The process could take about a year for adults, or up to 18 months for teenage patients. They will be barely noticeable when worn, and you can take them out before you eat! This means you don’t have to worry about food being stuck in between your teeth. Being removable also means better oral health, as proper brushing and flossing is much easier now that you don’t have to work around metal braces. If you have any questions about correcting your smile with a series of clear and custom-made orthodontic aligners, then contact our team today.
Do You Have Questions About Our Clear Orthodontics?
Our team wants to help correct your misalignment with a series of cleat braces. Schedule an appointment today and learn more about our cosmetic restorations. You can also call E-Care Dentistry in Olathe, KS, today at 913-210-1701. Find our office at 15010 S Black Bob Road Olathe, KS 66062. We also proudly serve patients from Overland Park, Lenexa, and all surrounding communities.