Treating Your Sleep Apnea
September 20, 2022
Without treatment, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) could mean serious trouble with our ability to rest and with our overall quality of life. But fortunately, we can offer relief with a custom and comfortable oral appliance. In today’s blog, your Olathe, KS, dentists talk about how we diagnose and treat sleep apnea. Snoring and Sleep Apnea OSA is a disorder that...
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Could Surgery Treat My Sleep Apnea?
January 4, 2022
As we’ve mentioned in previous blogs, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) could lead to serious trouble for your overall health and your quality of life. For most cases, we offer treatment with an oral appliance. But for severe cases, getting a good night’s rest again may require oral surgery from your Olathe, KS, dentists. Warning Signs of Trouble How do you...
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How Does A Sleep Apnea Appliance Help You Rest?
December 28, 2021
When you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), this could impact your quality of life and your overall health. Instead of losing sleep and straining your heart, why not seek treatment from your Olathe, KS, dentists? In today’s blog, we’re looking at how we treat this disorder with a custom and comfortable sleep apnea appliance. The Impact of Untreated Sleep Apnea With...
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Diagnosing Your Sleep Apnea With a Home Sleep Study
December 14, 2021
Treating an issue like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) could improve how well you rest and help boost your heart health and immune system. But how do we diagnose this disorder? Instead of having you try to rest in a lab setting, we could provide a home sleep study! In today’s blog, your Olathe, KS, dentists talk about diagnosing and treating your disorder. The...
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Don’t Suffer From Sleep Apnea Any Longer
November 23, 2021
It is hard to thrive when you are not getting enough sleep. You will feel sluggish, irritable, and can even become more susceptible to illnesses. If you constantly wake up exhausted — despite spending an appropriate amount of time in bed — you might suffer from Sleep Apnea. In today’s blog, your Olathe, KS, dentists discuss the details of this disorder and the...
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Surgery For Severe Sleep Apnea
September 1, 2021
As we’ve discussed in recent blog posts, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) could mean serious hazards for your overall health and your quality of life. For some, we could offer treatment with minor changes to your daily routine, or with the assistance of an oral appliance. But in severe cases, your Olathe, KS, dentist may instead suggest sleep apnea surgery. The...
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Better Sleep With a Custom Appliance
December 2, 2020
Our last blog focused on how we use a unique home sleep study to diagnose the presence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and decide whether you need treatment. Now, if you do, what’s next? To create an alternative to the cumbersome CPAP machine, your Olathe, KS, dentists may prescribe a custom-made oral appliance! The Warning Signs of Sleep Apnea First, let’s talk a...
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Trouble Sleeping? Try Our Home Sleep Study!
November 25, 2020
Do you often snore or feel tired during the day? If so, then you could be suffering from the effects of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In today’s blog, we look at how we can provide a precise and accurate diagnosis with a home sleep study. Your Olathe, KS, dentists are ready to make sure you obtain the uninterrupted sleep you need to feel...
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Think You Snore Too Much? This May Be Why
June 20, 2019
Thinking you snore too much isn’t like thinking you have tooth decay or gum disease. You might not think to immediately seek treatment for snoring like you would if your tooth hurt or if your gums were bleeding. However, snoring too much can have an impact on your overall wellbeing when it isn’t addressed properly, and in some cases, it...
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When Does the Dentist Recommend Sleep Apnea Surgery?
April 23, 2019
We’ve talked about how we often treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) using a custom-made oral appliance. But what if you require more than an oral appliance? For some patients in Olathe, KS, we may instead address sleep apnea using oral surgery. When does a dentist recommend sleep apnea surgery? What should patients expect from this procedure? When to Seek Treatment How do you...
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Diagnosing Sleep Apnea From Home
April 19, 2019
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) prevents people from resting and may lead to serious impacts on overall health and quality of life. In order to help our patients in Olathe, KS, we offer custom-made treatment options. But how do we diagnose the problem? Instead of relying on patients trying to sleep in a lab setting, we have a convenient home sleep...
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Stopping Sleep Apnea With Custom Appliances
February 14, 2019
In our previous blog, we looked at the process of diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). But once we uncover the presence of this serious sleep disorder, how to we treat the problem? In today’s blog, we’re looking at the custom-made sleep appliances we create to help our Olathe, KS, patients rest easy! How do these custom devices help stop OSA? Will they be...
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Ready To Take Care Of Your Sleep Apnea?
December 27, 2018
If something happens while you are sleeping, you may not ever realize that is happening. Your loved ones may tell you about it in the morning, but you likely have no recollection of the things that happened while you were asleep. Because of this, it can be very easy to ignore a problem occurring while you sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea...
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Frequently Asked Questions: Sleep Apnea
September 28, 2018
Obstructive sleep apnea (abbreviated as OSA) is a disruptive sleep order that occurs when the soft tissues of your mouth and throat block your airway. It is characterized by pauses in your breathing while you are sleeping. Understanding more about sleep apnea, whether you or someone you love is living with it, can help you achieve a better quality of...
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A Quiet Solution to Loud Snoring
August 24, 2018
If you live with someone or sleep next to someone who snores loudly, you may desperately want a solution. If you are someone who snores loudly, you may not be affected by the volume, but you may be affected by the after-effects. Maybe you wake up sleepy or with a sore throat most mornings? Loud snoring is not always a...
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Finding A Solution For Sleep Apnea
July 12, 2018
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a serious health condition and sleep disorder. It occurs when the soft tissues of the mouth and throat block the airway causing a repetitive stopping or slowing of breathing. This can happen hundreds of times during the night, which leads to poor quality sleep, drowsiness, headaches, etc. The effects of nightly breathing disruptions can be...
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Important Reasons to Address Sleep Apnea
June 19, 2018
Obstructive sleep apnea can sound like snoring, and because it happens while you are sleeping, it may not feel like an important problem to solve. However, living with sleep apnea can be problematic for your day to day living and it can put you at risk for some serious health conditions, such as stroke and heart disease. Your dentist can...
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Sleep Apnea Should Not Be Ignored
April 19, 2018
Snoring can be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans. Sleep apnea occurs when the soft tissues of your mouth and throat collapse into your airway. This causes a blockage and can prevent you from breathing momentarily; it can cause a lack of oxygen to reach your bloodstream. If you...
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Is Snoring Affecting Your Health?
March 16, 2018
Do you snore? You may not know that you do unless your partner or family has complained to you about it. Perhaps you snore loud enough to wake yourself up, which has been known to happen to some people from time to time. If your snoring is a part of a sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea, it may...
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Is My Snoring a Sign of Sleep Apnea?
February 13, 2018
Snoring is a very common; according to the American Sleep Apnea Association, approximately 90 million Americans are snorers. Half of those snorers are labeled as “simple snorers” while the other half have a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. If you and your dentist can identify if your snoring is just snoring or a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, you can better know the...
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