Our Dentists Offer Options For Missing Teeth

October 16, 2020

Our last blog focused on how we repair decayed or damaged teeth, but what if you have lost a tooth, or what if one requires removal to protect your oral health? With prosthodontic dentistry, your Olathe, KS, team can replace missing teeth with custom-made and lifelike dental prosthetics, including bridges, dentures, and even dental implants.

The Dangers of Tooth Loss

What happens once we lose a natural tooth? Well, the gap that remains could impact alignment, causing surrounding teeth to drift from position. The onset of misalignment then means a higher risk of tooth decay and gum disease, as thoroughly brushing and flossing is complicated. For others, this could impact bite balance and increase the risk of TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding) as the jaw joints are strained. The gaps in your smile could be a source of embarrassment and lead to issues with your social life, and you could also have difficulties eating and speaking. The body will respond by cutting off the flow of calcium and phosphorus the areas of the jawbone around the missing teeth. Without these nutrients, the bone tissue breaks down, and the person could eventually suffer from further tooth loss and an aged appearance.

Dental Bridges

For people with between one and three missing teeth in a row, we may suggest a bridge. The prosthetic will contain the new teeth with crowns attached to each end. We place the crowns on natural teeth on either side of the gap, which we refer to as abutment teeth. The bridge can stay in place for between 10 and 15 years, before requiring replacement as the shape of the jaw ridge changes. We use lifelike materials to ensure the crowns and replacement teeth blend with your smile.


Dentures address more severe cases. A full denture replaces every tooth on one of both arches, and contains an acrylic base that looks like gums and lifelike replacement teeth created with natural-looking materials. Suction or the use of adhesive can keep them in place. A partial addresses multiple gaps spread out across the smile for people who don’t yet need a full denture. Metal clasps will attach to natural teeth and anchor your new ones in place. These options tend to last 5 to 10 years on average.

Implant Dentistry

Dental implants are biocompatible titanium posts we insert into the jawbone, where they bond with the bone tissue and act as new roots. This prevents the loss of jawbone mass and density. We can support an individual replacement tooth, or secure a bridge or denture that lasts far longer that removable or crown-secured alternatives.

Do You Have a Missing Tooth?

We want to help you maintain a full and beautiful smile with our lifelike dental prosthetics. For more information on replacing missing teeth, or to schedule a dental consultation, call E-Care Dentistry, PA in Olathe, KS, today at 913-764-1018. We also proudly serve patients from Overland Park, Lenexa, and all surrounding communities.