Prevent Tooth Loss With Endodontic Treatment

January 6, 2021

While a filling helps stop tooth decay and prevent infection, what happens when a tooth becomes infected? To prevent the loss of your tooth, and to relieve major discomfort, your Olathe, KS, dentist, may suggest an endodontic treatment known as root canal therapy. In today’s blog, we’re going to explain how this option restores your smile!

The Link Between an Infected Tooth and Tooth Loss

An infection occurs when bacteria reaches the inner pulp, a collection of living tissues that keeps the tooth functional. Initially, this exposure causes tooth sensitivity and toothaches, but once an infection occurs the pulp could eventually die, effectively killing the tooth. The tooth will then become lost, or require extraction to prevent the spread of infection to surrounding teeth or into the jawbone itself. Which means you should seek treatment once you notice a tooth hurts or feels sensitive, and the discomfort lasts more than a day. Other warning signs include pain when biting down or chewing, swelling near a tooth, or possibly a discharge from it. Don’t ignore these potential symptoms, talk to our team!

Saving Smiles With Root Canal Therapy

A root canal procedure helps remove infected tissues and prevents the spread of infection. We start the process by providing a local anesthetic to ensure you feel calm and comfortable. Next, we open the tooth to access and remove the tissues in the pulp and root canals. We then clean and fill these spaces with a special restorative material. After we cure this material, the final step is to cap the tooth with a crown. The restoration will not only be strong and durable, but will look natural too, blending with the rest of your smile.

Take Preventive Action Now

Did you know that a few preventive actions could help avoid both tooth decay and dental infection? When we brush and floss our teeth daily, we remove food particles from on and between our teeth, prevent bacteria from breaking them down to create the plaque buildup that weakens and erodes outer enamel. Consuming fewer sugary foods and drinks also helps by depriving bacteria of an easy meal. A visit every six months means we watch for warning signs of trouble, addressing them early, and also that we remove all plaque and tartar completely from the smile. If you have any questions about the value of preventive care or root canal therapy, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Restorative Dentistry?

Don’t let your pain in your smile grow more severe and risk tooth loss. For more information on treating infected teeth or to schedule a dental consultation, call E-Care Dentistry, PA in Olathe, KS, today at 913-210-1701. We also proudly serve patients from Overland Park, Lenexa, and all surrounding communities.