Why Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?

November 30, 2017

If you watch television or movies, the words ‘root canal’ can be used as a scary form of dentistry. In reality, modern dentistry techniques have made the process of a root canal treatment often similar to a filling. In many cases, the root canal treatment may be less painful than the toothache itself. If you have been told that you need your first root canal treatment, also known as endodontics, you may be wondering a few things. What is a root canal treatment? Why do I need it? What will it do for the health of my mouth? 

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is a restorative treatment for the inner chamber of your tooth. The inner chamber of your tooth is where the blood vessels, nerves, and soft tissue live.  The process of a root canal treatment is designed to access and disinfect the tooth’s pulp, as well as the root canal connecting the soft tissue to the bone. The area will be cleaned of any infection and damaged tooth or tissue. The chamber may need to be filled with a material to stabilize it. The tooth itself may need to be capped by a dental crown to restore it for chewing, biting, and appearance. A root canal treatment can prevent an infection from spreading through the tooth’s root canal into the bone or bloodstream to the rest of the body.

Why Is It Necessary?

A root canal treatment is often the last step before a necessary extraction. A root canal treatment can be the last ditch effort to save your tooth. Once a tooth becomes severely infected or the inner tissue has been so compromised that it cannot be saved, you may lose your tooth to an extraction. Your dentist will prioritize saving your natural teeth, but protecting your health will always be more important. If you have a severely damaged or decayed tooth, a root canal treatment may save it.

Talk to Your Dentist About Root Canal Treatment

A root canal treatment could save your tooth. To schedule a consultation, call E-Care Dentistry, PA in Olathe, KS, today at 913-210-1701. We also proudly serve patients from Overland Park, Lenexa, Leawood, Gardner, and all surrounding communities.